This week, I'm going to try to catch up on our fun recent stuff. Timmy's birthday party, Easter, etc. First I have to include our first daffodils. You never know what you're going to get when you buy someone else's house. It seems like it took them longer to grow and bloom than most (I just took the picture yesterday), but we have a pretty shady yard. They are the super-small variety, but I'm happy to see them. I have lots of plans for the front flower bed and hopefully more pictures will come this summer. All that I have done so far is remove some ugly small Christmas tree-shaped shrubs. But more will be done this week.

The theme for Tim's 3rd birthday party was "red" -- it's his favorite color. I'm really not too fond of character themes anyway and I'm holding off as long as I can. I loved that everyone came decked out in red. Really fun -- except when you were trying to spot your child out of all the little ones and kept mixing them up. We had one 8-month old, three 1-yr olds, 4 2-yr olds (if you count Tim because it was nine days before his birthday), and a few older kids. Lots of fun!

Timmy's friend, Nicholas, helped him out at the last second to blow out the candle. Really sweet!